Feels like home

With only 54 apartments, it’s easy to make friends here. We offer full-size apartments with a screened-in porch and a private entrance leading outdoors as well as an entrance into the main hallway. Everything at TigerPlace is located on one level. Pets are welcomed, with an animal clinic and veterinarian from the University of Missouri School of Veterinary Medicine who visits once a month. 

Dining is designed to feel like home as well. Meals are prepared from scratch by our chef to be flavorful and nutritious. Theme nights include steak night, and regular Passport nights where we explore the cuisine of different countries.  Wine and beer are served every night at dinner and at happy hours throughout the month.

Services such as transportation and light housekeeping are included, as well as a full array of amenities that includes a movie theater, fitness area, coffee bar, and wellness center